domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

G20 Summit: Argentinian leader supports workers

A delegation has met with Argentinian President, Cristina Kirchner, ahead of the G20 Summit, to be held in Cannes, France, from 3-4 November. It was composed of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) General Secretary, Sharan Burrow, the President of EI's Latin America Regional Committee and General Secretary of the Argentinian Trade Union Centre (CTA), Hugo Yasky, EI coordinator, Nicolás Richards, and several representatives of trade union centres.

Ms. Kirchner and the delegation agreed that solutions to the ongoing crisis are more political and economic than financial. Governments must invest in the creation of decent jobs, rather than cut public jobs, by reinforcing basic public services such as education, health and social security, and creating a global financial transaction tax eliminating all tax havens.
Ms. Kirchner affirmed she believes that there is no other way to build a better world without exclusion and strongly advocates for open and continuous discussions between workers, employers and governments.
Sharan Burrow noted Ms. Kirchner is an authoritative voice when it comes to find ways out of this crisis, considering that Argentina, but also Brasil and Uruguay, came out of social, political and economic crises at the beginning of the century by making public investment to create more jobs and improve public services, ensuring for example quality education for all.
Mr. Yasky added that the creation of a universal allowance for each and every poor child in Argentina had reduced school drop-out and contributed to eliminating rampant child labour, and helping give Argentinian workers good qualifications.
EI also joined the other Global Unions in issuing a statement to G20 leaders advocating for the development of a global jobs and recovery plan, as well as a reform of the financial sector, including the establishment of a financial transaction tax.


2 comentarios:

  1. Las declaraciones de los funcionarios de la Organización Internacional de Sindicatos confirman lo aseverado por el destacado periodista ex-vedette: "En el mundo se nos cagan de risa."
    Seguramente, la parte del mundo que - según él - se caga de risa de nosotros, no es precisamente la que a nosotros más nos interesa.
    Si hasta el comentario galante del francés al mayordomo morochito con relación al resultado electoral obtenido por nuestra Presidenta (que, dicho sea de paso, les debe haber hinchado la vena ya que ambos están a años luz de semejante porcentaje) me molesta más que me halaga.
    Recibir cumplidos de semejantes sujetos no es motivo de orgullo.

    ¡Al Infinito y más allá!

    Tilo, 70 años

  2. Muchas gracias tilo comos siempre! y coincido con el diagnostico. En verdad tiene muchos motivos estos post, e incluso la recurrencia a la lengua anglosajona. Pero entre otras puedo decir la necesidad de mostrar que se cuenta desde afuera, para romper con aquello de "afuera se nos cagan de risa". Gracias y sos siempre bienvenido!


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